Ridership for the past 35 months demonstrates a rise in ridership on an annual basis for each year. Ridership in the past eleven month is well above ridership in the second year. Contributing factors has been added service hours, and an increase in bus stops and marketing to support transit service in Dona Ana County.
Ridership Thru September 2017 (click on the link) Ridership FY17(12 months) Graph
Ridership from October 2016 through September 2017, is up 160 percent. The Turquoise and Purple routes have demonstrated significant ridership growth since the fiscal year began last October. Fiscal Year ridership includes ridership on all five bus routes, both directly operated and contract service operating within the three county transit District service area.
The FY2017 NTD report is used to support the submission of the NM DOT transit statistics generated through daily transit boardings on each of the District’s four bus routes. The fifth route, the Orange route is split with 50 percent of the ridership generated provided to Z-Trans and 50 percent to SCRTD. The fiscal year runs from October 2016 to September 2017.
[pdf-embedder url=”http://scrtd.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/Ridership-FY1712-months-Graph-.pdf” title=”Ridership FY17(12 months) Graph”]
The FY 2018 NTD data is available through April 2018. The Fiscal year runs from October 2017 to September 2017. Ridership continues to grow and is rising above FY2017 ridership levels, e.g., above month over month compared to the same period the previous year.