Rail Service  Resident\Stakeholder Survey

    The South Central Regional Transit District (SCRTD) has commissioned a feasibility study of a passenger rail service between El Paso and Las Cruces, stopping at as many six towns in between, and possibly extending to Spaceport America. By answering the following questions, you will help to determine whether or not this service would be viable.

    Do you think that you would sometimes use a passenger train service between El Paso and Las Cruces, stopping at intermediate towns and possibly extending to Spaceport America?


    Between what towns would you be most likely to travel by train?

    Most frequently between: and
    Less frequently between: and

    For what purpose(s) would you be likely to travel by train, and how often? If you would use the train for more than one purpose, please answer for each use:

    Commute to work: DailyWeeklyNever
    Business Trips: DailyWeeklyMonthlySeveral times a yearNever
    Medical or other service appointments: DailyWeeklyMonthlySeveral times a yearNever
    Visiting or Recreation: DailyWeeklyMonthlySeveral times a yearNever

    For the type of train trip you would be most likely to take, what would you expect your average travel time to be:

    From the place you start to your final destination: 30 Min1 Hour1 Hour 30 Min2 Hours2 Hours 30 Min
    While you are on the train: 30 Min1 Hour1 Hour 30 Min2 Hours2 Hours 30 Min

    For the type of train trip you would be most likely to take, what would you expect the round trip ticket price to be?


    For the type of train trip you would be most likely to take, how would you expect to travel between your point of origin\destination and the train station?

    If you would use more than one means of transportation between your points of origin\destination and the train station, please number the types of transportation you would use, with 1 being the type of transportation you would use most frequently and the highest number being the means of transportation you would be least likely to use.

    My own car
    The car of a friend or colleague
    Public transportation (bus or public shuttle)
    Active transportation (biking or walking)
    Transportation provided by my employer or the institution I am visiting

    For what reason(s) would you travel by train?

    If you would take the train for more than one reason, please number your reasons in rank order, with 1 being the reason that is most important to you, and highest number being the least important.

    No regular access to a car
    Save money through fewer car trips, possibly having one less car in the household
    Save time, possibly avoiding congestion
    Help the environment
    Help the economy of the towns through which I travel
    For Fun

    What possible difficulties might discourage you from traveling by train?

    If you more than one possible problem would be discouraging, please number these potential problems in rank order, with 1 being the most likely or serious potential difficulty, and highest number being the least likely or important.

    Too long in travel time
    Ticket price too high
    Traveling to or from train stations
    Love my car too much

    Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey and helping to answer the questions of feasibility for the proposed passenger train service.
